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Old 12-24-2005, 11:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Heckled after KTs hits hard

I love the second look at this.

Preflop I missed the CO being on a blind until after I checked the hand. I like the idea of PFR now. The flop 3-bet is more than likely a mistake; what is it accomplishing? It put the villain on the defensive when I wanted her aggressive if I hit. After the flush hit I didn't even think to C/R, though the villain doesn't go aggresive here until she hit her 8 flush. I don't know that I could have gotten more bets out of this, but I was in no position to make the reraise. After the fact I questioned it because I was HU, but would have missed the positional implications if I hadn't posted. Most important of all, it reminds me to play the jackass or STFU when someone knows it all. Correct table talk will either chase out nervous players or make bad players smarter. Thanks for the inputs as always.
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