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Old 10-03-2005, 01:46 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Re: Sklansky\'s Godot

Are you saying it is name calling to say that someone who cheats on their husband is a "ho"? If so then you are right. But it is not name calling to say that the Catholic religion is ridiculous. Unless you say the same about similar comments about believing in astrology, scientology, etc. It is also not analgous to saying something like "your father is a crazy", even if it was true. That WOULD be impolite because you can't choose your father. However, any Catholic can choose to stop believing in his religion any time he wants. If he does, he is better off, because he has stopped believing in something that is almost certainly incorrect. If even one person stops believing in something that is incorrect because I called it ridiculous, that noble goal more than makes up for any impoliteness. And of course, you can replace Cathlocism with any other religion.
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