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Old 11-24-2005, 11:18 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: People who think online is rigged...

and on the other side: many players who drop $100 to start do not re-deposit.

so if you're going to have variance where you're +600 and then -600 you will be able to do that.
but if you're variance on a given site was potentially going to be -600 and THEN +600 then there is a chance you might not stick around long enough to realize the 'come-back'.

in other words: every losing player is going to have win streaks.

those who have the win streaks at the start are going to keep playing obviously and think they are a good player. they will keep playing until they lose their money (which is inevitable if they are playing an inferior game).
then they think something happened from the site's end. well...they ran well to start...and then stopped catching good cards. no biggie.

those who lose when they start are less likely to redeposit...and are less likely to talk about it.
but those who do redeposit will eventually hit a winning streak. at that point they will think they have finally figured it out and know how to play better (even if it's only after 300 hands) then they'll go back to losing again...but now they'll KNOW that it was because the site threw the switch on them and MADE them lose. because their previous win-streak has now convinced them that they are a winning player.

I suspect 80-90% of poker-players would say they are at least 'break-even to winning' players...even though this is obviously impossible.
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