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Old 12-22-2005, 06:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Poker: What\'s so difficult about it???

Let me start off by saying that I appreciate that poker is a skillful game. I also appreciate that there's a LOT more to the game than meets the eye.

I also want to say (before anyone flames me) that I am NOT a winning player and make NO claim to be able to beat the game)

Despite the above statements, I am intrigued to know what aspects make poker so difficult?

The number of decisions to make is limited.
The maths involved should be within the grasp of a good proportion of the population.

My offerings to the debate are:
"Conceptualisation": The majority of people just cannot visualise the concept of where the money comes from?

Discipline: The discipline required to play "properly". I offer that the majority of the population do not have the anywhere near the discipline.

Determination: Closely linkked with above.

Self Ego: IMHO, the biggest enemy of them all. Most people cannot control this.

The "irrational" nature of the mechanics: It seems Poker is the reverse of our natural instinct to learn by our mistakes. In the short term if you play badly you can still win. If you play brilliantly you can still lose. What does this tell your brain? What does this do to your ego?

There is more than enough info on how to play poker well, to keep eveyone busy for the rest of their lives. So why isn't everyone great at it?

I'm just looking to debate what is really at the "heart" of poker.

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