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Old 05-01-2005, 07:46 PM
tworooks tworooks is offline
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Posts: 440
Default My answer. Probably not even close

Here's my shot:
sources are and also party poker

All averages are over 24 hour period.

24-hour average number of ring games: 1502

Current number of ring games: 1980
<$10 = 777 or 39.24%
$10-$30 = 665 or 33.58%
>$30 = 531 or 26.81%

Average number of ring games: 1502
Total ring games with average pot of each, over 24 hours:
<$10 = 1502*39.24% = 589 tables with avg <$10
$10-$30 = 1502*33.58% = 504 tables
>$30 = 1502*26.81% = 403 tables

Total Players:
Current: 14,850
Average: 11,116

Players per table:
Current: 14,850(#of plrs/1980(# of tbls) = 7.5
Average: 11,116/1502 = 7.4

So we'll be using the rake structure for 6-9 players

Say 70 hands per hour on average.
Number of hands per day based on average pot:
<$10 = 589*70(per hour)*24(hrs in day) = 989,520
$10-$30 = 504*70*24 = 846,720
>$30 = 403*70*24 = 677,040

pokerpulse estimates $85,414,980 total in all ring game pots
85,414,980/2523360(number of hands per day) = $33.85 avg pot

This means a higher average in the >$30 range. We'll say $80 because it has to be really big because of more hands being dealt in the less than $30 pot range.

Average rake(pretty much a guess):
<$10 = $0.45
$10-$30 = $1.25
>$30 = $2.70

Total rake per table catergorized by avg pot:
<$10 = $0.45 * 989,520(hands per day) = $ 445,284
$10-$30 = $1.25 * 846,720 = $1,058,400
>$30 = $2.70 * 677,040 = $1,828,008

Total money brought in by Party per day for ring game tables: $3,331,692

That is way off according to another posters guess of 6-7 million made by cardplayer. Also, mine doesn't include tournament rakes. But still, a shitload of money. From ring game tables alone, $3,331,692 * 365 =
$1,216,067,580 per year

Also, obviously not included in the daily estimate are their expenses.

any comments on my math would be great.
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