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Old 11-09-2005, 12:43 AM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 159
Default Re: Flopping the stone nuts

I would bet/raise everytime the action came around to me. There is no point in slowplaying here and you may get a ton of action if someone actually has a nut flush and nut low. Crappy lows and straights or non-nut flushes will probably come along for the ride even if you can sustain a raising war with someone who obviously has A2 with the nut flush. Remember, you only gain by slowplaying if your opponent puts in more bets later, because you don't push hard early. A2 with a nut flush is going to give you plenty of action on the flop but may slow down if the board pairs, so get action while you can (of course now you may get action from a FH or quads as well). Plus no one will probably fold trips, straights, or other made lows. I don't think there is any question how to play this hand.
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