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Old 12-08-2005, 04:52 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Holocaust Denial


The germans are very strict about speech related to the Nazi Party - I would imagine denying the Holocaust to them could be tantamount to slander or libel - it's that important to them.

Plus they take a very low stand on Nazi stuff - they ban the swastika - all my WWII games use that stupid Luftwaffe cross to represent Germans instead of the Swastika.

I don't see where throwing a neo-nazi in prison for saying the Holocaust didn't happen is a sign of the end of freedom for Western Civilization....I think you'd almost have to be as ignorant as the revisionists to make that assumption. Esp. since the vast majority of revisionists also preach hate and White Supremacy.

If hate speech is banned, and if the law decides that Revisionist thinking is tantamont to Hate Speech, then they go in jail - In a way, I would imagine a guy going around the US saying lynchings didn't happen and that slavery wasn't all that bad would probably find himself in court sooner or later for simply stating lies as published facts.

Personally, let the guy get ass-raped by a big thug named Bubba for all I care - Civilization would not be any worse off in the slightest if every Neo-Nazi died a horrible death in a prison camp, preferably with the same anticpation and horror the Jews faced in the concentration camps.

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