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Old 12-27-2005, 02:21 PM
OtisTheMarsupial OtisTheMarsupial is offline
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Default Re: Tip for driving in the mountains...

these aren't entirely intuitive....
#2 I wouldn't know what to do, but if I was in either side I'd probably be the wuss pulling over to the side.

#3 sometimes you get slightly distracted and drift down in speed so when you realize you are going too slow you speed up (however I'd always slow down and let them pass).

for #1, are you supposed to pull over and stop EVERY time two guys get close behind you (I'm not this guy either, I'd be going fast).

You should learn to calm down and realize getting wherever you have to go 10 minutes earlier isn't that big a deal =p

[/ QUOTE ]

#2 - I think you need to read your driver's handbook again. Uphill has right of way. At 4 way stops, person to right of you has right of way. Pedestrians usually have right of way. et cetera et cetera et cetera.

#3 - I think you need to read your driver's handbook again. NEVER EVER speed up when someone is passing you.

#1 - I think you need to read your driver's handbook again. Where I live, you have to pull over and let others pass when there are 5 or more cars behind you.

I think you need to read your driver's handbook again.
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