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Old 08-02-2002, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Odds/Outs Question


never tried it backwards.

Yes, I had read here where someone said that you can multiply your outs by 2 for the turn and 4 if you're going to the river and it works out great.

To take that one step further...

You can turn that information into how many bets you need in the pot to justify a call. It's pretty easy and once you learn a few you just memorize them.

Anyway, here's how it goes.

Let's say you have those same overcards. (not the greatest example as this is pretty much a no-brainer situation) AK to a rag board. You have a ton of callers - say 4 people in who all called your pre-flop raise so there's 9 sb's in the pot (4.5 BB's).

On the flop someone bets and you get a couple callers and it's your turn to act. You figure you may lose the player behind you so you can count on 7.5 sb's in the pot if you call.

You have 6 outs which = 12% to hit your hand on the flop. In order to make the 'right' call you want to know how many bets need to be in the pot to correctly justify this.

So, how many times does 12 go into 100?

100/12 = 8 that's how many bets you need in the pot to justify your call - now subtract your current bet and it makes 7.

So, you need 7 bets in the pot to correctly call here. You're getting 6.5 without your call that round so you can call with comfort. :-)

Not the most scientific method and of course there are often many other things to take into account besides just crunching some numbers, but it works pretty well.
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