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Old 12-28-2005, 06:57 PM
nath nath is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 79
Default Re: How Many Suckouts Do You Make In Your Tourney Wins?

Quite a few, sometimes. It depends... I'm usually making more suckouts if I've gotten lucky enough to get a big stack early because I'm doing much more gambling and pushing around the short stacks.
I don't like to be all in very often and I've found the less frequently I'm playing for all my chips on one hand the better my results are.
Luck is always a factor... my luck usually comes from getting big hands paid off or winning races at the right time. Occasionally I'll get it in as a dog, sometimes even knowingly, but I try to avoid that.
Also, no dumb mistakes. That helps a lot.
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