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Old 06-25-2004, 02:25 AM
detruncate detruncate is offline
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Default Re: What could I do?

When this flop comes down, the first thing that goes through my mind is, "Sweet. Top pair good kicker and 1 of 4 Js for the big straight." The second thing that goes through my mind is, "Drag about the flush. Let's see if he has it." I raise this flop for sure. If he 3 bets, I might think about capping and seeing if he bets out on the turn... though I also think about dropping, and it would depend on what sort of player he is.

The thing is, calling down doesn't seem to make much sense. The final pot was 5.75BB, and you put 2 1/2 of them into it. Sure, you don't have any way of knowing how big it's going to end up, but the action required to make it bigger wouldn't bode well for your chances. If you're behind to the flush you're not catching up barring a miracle runner runner boat or quads, so either play it like it has a chance or eject. By calling down on the turn and beyond, you're saying that your hand will be good almost once in three times (2BB to try to win a 5.7BB final pot)... but by not raising, you're saying that you don't think you have a chance unless he's bluffing or on an ace with a weaker kicker. So you have to ask yourself if it's a good time to run down his bluff. I think I'd wait for a better opportunity.
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