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Old 12-22-2005, 08:55 PM
ZenMusician ZenMusician is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Are the Queens called Quoons?
Posts: 77
Default Re: On Golden Pond, but no catch

Calling my post ridiculous and convincing a newer
poster that hammering value bets "like he should
be doing" is a bit irresponsible.

You would bet out, with UTG+1's strength, with top set
on this board? This is debatable.

My advice for learning how to protect your hands
is both the spirit and the validity of my post. By
shrugging off my advice - albeit debatable - you
encourage OP to ignore the rest of the post I took
the time to type - which is NOT debatable.

The problem with advancing in poker is that we
tend to forget how the types of games we started
in (micro/low limit) actually run. For this reason
I play, everyday, a few hundred µLHE/LLHE games
to remain in tune with these games.

My advice is far from perfect. My analysis may be
off and I actually misread the OPs post (thought the
RR came from his right) in this case.

What you have to say about dominated offsuit hands
and suited aces/kings/connecters is very correct.

Merry Christmas.

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