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Old 11-22-2005, 12:42 PM
PygmyHero PygmyHero is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 165
Default Final CS response

Here's my most recent email from FirePay CS. While it doesn't really answer my question, it does clarify the sitaution in my mind:

"The last time you had used FirePay to make a deposit was:

Mar 15, 2005 9:47:06 AM xxxxxxx Deposit $503.99

How are you funding your merchant account? why is it that you are using FirePay just to make withdrawals?

In order to get FREE withdrawals please use your FirePay account on a regular basis to make deposit from your bank account and use those funds to make purchases.

The answer you have received is the extent of any answer you will receive.

The specific definition of frequent will NOT be supplied to you. [capitalization is theirs]

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional assistance."

I think that's flat out rude. It is obvious that I am NOT going to get a more satisfactory response.

However, what I found really interesting is that they claim I only use FirePay to make withdrawals. I would assume by 'withdrawal' we would mean a withdrawal from FirePay to my bank account, which I have done very few times. Most of my FirePay transactions are moving money from FirePay to poker sites, meaning they should be happy since they can charge the sites a fee. So I'm still a little bit confused about the situation, and I think there's some misunderstanding about terminology.
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