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Old 09-29-2005, 04:10 AM
stokken stokken is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 37
Default Re: Thinking While Playing (LC)

I am one of those players that sometimes need to actually sit on my hands before I make a decission.
Lately I have donked away potentially favourable situation to earn good money( top 10 stack with 80- left) because I loose consentration or deviate from my play
1.Dont play just for for playings sake ie when u are tired, upset or really should be doing something else
2. Make a clear plan which tournament u are gonna play and when and prep yourself.
3. Keep CONSTANT observation on the players and the action and try anticipating what actions will bring about what changes.

What anoyes me the most about my play is when I commit errors that I know not to, but still did. I feel good about my game when I make just decissions for the situation regardless of the outcome.

When I had good finishes,or bust but felt good about my game, I can remeber all the key hands and players involved. This is a good checkpoint for me, when I struggle with a decission because I lost track of an opponent I know my game is off and I am not contributing to my game properly.

Currently on a break because I have been playing around the clock outside of work and not slept more then 3 hrs any night for weeks and have become DONKEY KONG.Taking a deep look into my game to ressurect new and improved
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