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Old 12-15-2005, 04:38 PM
AlanBostick AlanBostick is offline
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Posts: 127
Default Re: Does a decreased winrate have an exponential effect on variance?

It depends on what one means by "tilt".

If "tilt" is a particular sort of anger or rage induced by bad beats or other losing experience, then it seems to me that a tilter is more likely to become overly aggressive than overly passive.

If "tilt" is, as some poker thinkers assert, any emotional state that moves a player to playing anything other than correct play to the best of their knowledge, than timid, weak-tight play as a result of the fear of getting big hands like aces cracked also counts as tilt.

To an extent, it's a philosophical question, if not psychological: What is the nature of tilt?
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