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Old 12-19-2005, 11:06 AM
xGoreDudex xGoreDudex is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 19
Default A Top Pair Top/Good Kicker question

I'm in the midst of a 6k breakeven strech and just curious if I'm donking away a lot of money on the turn. I'm typically find for example that I have top pair, and lead the turn only to be check-raised. Now, I find that a lot of the time in the limits i playu $.5-1 to $1/2 that people don't always have the straight or flush and its better to call down, a lot of time their bluffing, is it okay to call down with a decent sized pot when your check raised on the turn.

I understand that their is no "FORSURE DO THIS" answer, but typically, is this a major leak against typical oppenets at these levels?
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