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Old 09-16-2005, 02:19 AM
ajmargarine ajmargarine is offline
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Default Re: The Anguish of Semi Believers.

It is silly to think that the subject of whether there is a God is somehow in a different category. By which I mean that whether they admit it or nor most people are not 100% certain one way or the other.

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I am 100% certain. And I know other folks who are also certain. A person knows when they are filled with God's Spirit, as the scripture says happens to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that God is God.

but rather the existence of a God who will reward, or even perhaps punish you for eternity,

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Eternal punishment in hell? This error in Christian doctrine perpetuated by the RCC and accepted by the other sects, is responsible for so many people misunderstanding God.

You die once the natural death that we all know and understand. This is the first death. You may be in hell for a while. And at the end of this age:

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Not eternal. First death. Second death. Our merciful God has no interest in punishing you for eternity. And, a just God also must insist that you not spend eternity with Him if you reject Him for the 20-30-40-60-90 years He gives you breath to breathe.
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