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Old 10-08-2005, 11:50 AM
La Brujita La Brujita is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 517
Default I thought of a new tourney format (kind of weird)

I was thinking last night that the online tourneys follow the brick and morter paradigm but in some instances that might not be necessary.

One thing I was thinking of was the following:

with all the multitabling on the internet why not have a tourney where there are two flights that take place simultaneously (flight A and flight B). You get the same amount of chips in each and play both.

At some predetermined point (not sure when perhaps when down to 2x number of players who cash, perhaps down to only people cashing) your chips combine.

Reasons I think this is mildly interesting:

1. gives more play to bad players

2. gives an edge to good players as it takes a bit of the luck out

3. lets you play different styles at the two tables due to different chip stacks

4. allows for deeper money when in the money but not unduly long tournament.

Has anyone thought of alternate setups like this and does anyone have comments?

Edit to say two other things I thought of are (i) could have different games in each flight and (ii) perhaps you get bonus chips for surviving both.
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