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Old 08-08-2005, 09:52 PM
Kablooie Kablooie is offline
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Default Re: vitamins, what to take, where online to buy

I take magnesium, and a complete omega (3,5,7) supplement. If your diet is deficient in magnesium, then taking it helps concentration considerably(for me at least).

The chlorella thing looks pretty bogus to me, it's making completely unsubstantiated claims about 'heavy metal flushing' etc., and the warning about side effects and 'protein' metabolism raises some big question marks as well. The trouble is at the moment we have a very patchy view scientifically of what supplements are and aren't useful, when and to which people, and the amount of outright fraud associated with supplements these days is incredible.

My advice with anything like that is to research very carefully, discarding any and all reports that are found on any site that is trying to sell you something. Then conduct a controlled experiment on yourself by taking the supplement for a few days, and then stopping it and seeing what, if any, difference it makes. Repeat this process a couple of times, and record how you felt on each day. You may well be surprised. In my personal direct experience, when your body does need a supplement the difference experienced when you take it is very noticeable. And you don't get bad side effects.
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