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Old 04-06-2005, 06:58 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Default Re: How standard is this bluff?

I would have raised to about 400 preflop. I would have bet about 600 on the flop. On the turn I think checking is fine and you are happy to see the 300 chip bet for two reasons:

1. You can simply call and get the correct odds to draw to your flush

2. There is some chance your opponent is weak/scared due to his small bet, and will fold to an allin.

I think either play is reasonable here, although don't expect your opponent to fold with a hand like KTo no heart. There's a lot of money in the pot, and if you think your opponent will fold a decent portion of the time then moving allin is fine, especially since you will win a decent amount of the time when you are called.

- It's also possible to simply open allin on the turn, but this would require knowledge that your opponent is going to fold a pretty reasonable % of the time. If your opponent will fold on the turn 50% of the time, then allin is decent, as there is 1800 in the pot and you have only 1800 remaining, and of course will win sometimes when called.
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