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Old 06-21-2005, 08:46 AM
Bill C Bill C is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Tap City, NV
Posts: 141
Default Re: How\'s the 3/6 games in Biloxi???

The Biloxi Grand is tons better than the one in Gulfport, if for no other reason than the room is lots bigger.

Unless they've changed recently, the food comp policy at the Biloxi Grand is the best I've ever seen. Be sure to get a players card as you enter the casino, because you need that to get comped. Again, unless they've changed lately, they don't rate you, and if you're in the poker room and have a card, you can eat three squares for free every day. They have a seafood buffet every evening that's unbelievable, with among other things, huge wonderful boiled shrimp that you can eat until you founder, if you wish.

The 1-4-8-8 games are very soft usually, but there can be variation from table to table. Most days they only spread 1-4-8-8 and 10-20, so the best players in the room are at 10-20, and some of them are very good players. You may find yourself at a table of players waiting for 10-20, especially on Sat. night.

All in all, a really fun place. I no longer live near there, but I have wonderful memories of it. That's where I learned to play. Have fun! Wish I could be there!

BTW, just buy in for "A rack of white" at first and see how it goes. If you bought $400, everybody in the joint would be keying on you.

bill c
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