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Old 12-12-2005, 09:11 PM
crownjules crownjules is offline
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Default Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?

Speaking of the bringing balance to the force prophecy...why didn't they just kill the kid when they found him? He's supposed to bring balance to the force. We currently have dozens of Jedis and one or two Siths. Let's see, what would bring balance to this situation? Hmmmm.... oh [censored] it, who knows, let's just train the kid and make him really powerful.

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This is the common misconception of the Force, that the Force is a duality - possessing both light and dark sides. This stems from Western civilization's philosophy. Lucas, however, drew a lot from Eastern civilization when he created the Force. The Force is one, possessing neither light nor dark. The "dark side", which the Sith utilize, is like a cancer to the Force that acts on it from the outside. Their use of the Force, through hate, anger, and fear is not natural and quite harmful. The Sith have to be destroyed to restore balance to the Force.

To keep this on topic, I voted for Sidious when he's the Emperor in RotJ. He was just badass and had such great line delievery.
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