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Old 12-01-2005, 04:51 PM
PokerGoblin PokerGoblin is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 115
Default Re: Poker on Resume....the real reason for asking

Dude, you have no idea.

You are totally wrong (about me anyway). The inevitable question is going to be asked; what have you been doing in the 6 months since you lost your last job?

My answer in the interview is that I have survived by living some I had saved. If he asks, I'll be honest on where it came from.

Ego has nothing to do with it. If I cared about impressing a bunch of strangers I'd post under my real name.

If I wanted to show off there are more effective ways of doing it... like maybe a brag post or 10?

It's apparent that you are probably not satisfied with your poker prowess and have a jealousy complex about it.

Asking if putting poker on a resume is like when a murderer brags about a murder......he knows he shouldn't but he can't help it bc he is so proud.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea I am proud that I have had to use my second job as my first job for the past six months. You have no idea how difficult it is to make enough money to live from poker alone. All the while having no retirement plan, no sick benefits, no health insurance and no real way to grow my bankroll without playing 60 hours a week.

It works 10 times better as a supplemental income. Trust me.

I am done.

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