Thread: Suggestions
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Old 01-11-2005, 06:03 AM
Sheriff Fatman Sheriff Fatman is offline
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Default Re: Suggestions

i REALLY like this Sheriff, but i know i will be vetoed.

[/ QUOTE ]


Its a pity that this is the case. Given the amounts involved I can see all the events which allow deals to be made being decided this way. The money is just too big for your average internet satellite qualifier to want to risk missing out on.

A bigger problem might be the response on the sites where deals aren't allowed. I'm sure that people will try and work out ways to do them anyway and it only takes one broken promise or accusation of chip dumping/collusion for the whole thing to get dragged into the mud, which might not be good for ISOP.

Either that, or someone will whinge that they lost out because they weren't allowed to deal on Site A but would have been allowed to do so in the same event on Site B.

Sad maybe, but I fear its an inevitability! If there's no way of reaching a common stance then I think, at the very least, the individual site's policy on deals needs to be made clear before the event.

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