Thread: Mod list?
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Old 12-07-2005, 08:36 AM
Mike Haven Mike Haven is offline
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Default Re: Mod list?

I kept an eye on it all day, and it ran at an almost exactly constant 45% SMET.

you should prob check with the stock market forums first before dumping it in their forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

In my posts, I'm giving my opinions and recommendations; as so are you. I don't and I am not going to dump anything in any forum.

calling the results after 49 minutes was pretty iffy as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

The "49 minutes" must relate to different time displays for the UK and the US. I waited long over 12 hours before giving the link here, but, as the 45% had remained so constant, and as 100 people had voted, I thought it was worth drawing your attention to additional information during this discussion period for everyone's consideration.

Your data is inconclusive.

[/ QUOTE ]

Finally, please let me make my own position perfectly clear on this, in case I have caused any confusion, (as seems to be my wont).

I have no axe to grind. There are often Tax posts in the Zoo. There always have been. There probably always will be. They are of no personal interest to me, but I am totally happy to leave them where they are at this time, as there is no other agreed forum for their placement.

However, I do feel that another forum is the place for them to be collated. (Or, rather, I don't really think the Internet Gambling Forum is the sensible place for Tax posts). They should be either in a new Tax Forum, (which seems like a bit of overkill to me), or in another nominated extended forum, such as SMET, (if that comes to be), imo.

Please let me know the moderators' final decision on this topic, and I will act accordingly.
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