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Old 12-07-2005, 07:13 PM
ohnonotthat ohnonotthat is offline
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Default Re: Why do we fold QTo from UTG?

Of even more importance than having 5+ to the flop is having one or two "Curious Georges" who will march dutifully to the river.

The utter irony here is that A-A, when in the hands of a weak player, often becomes one of the "Curious Georges"; it can easily turn into a payoff-hand whereas your T-9/s almost never will.

No, I'm not saying A-A is the second best of these two hands, only that A-A often winds up as the second best hand overall in large, multi-way pots - and second best with A-A is apt to cost dearly. This fate almost never awaits T-9/s and the like. If you (and 5+ opponents) pay 2 or more bets pre-flop to see the flop you are very often committed to go to the end if you flop any sort of hand or draw, however you are [usually] correct in calling all raises (or even being the raisor). A-A often finds itself wishing the betting would end even when it knows it's [currently] ahead as these hands are very similar to Omaha pots - you know you're ahead but cannot think of more than 2 or 3 cards that will leave you there.

"Dammit deputy, send those girls home - and learn to listen more carefully; I said I need to get me a 'POSSE' - 'POSSE', dammit. What did you THINK I said" ?
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