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Old 04-27-2005, 09:25 PM
JohnBond JohnBond is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 50
Default Re: Roy Cooke on Cheating and Cheaters

Sheesh, been on the site a couple of hours and already somebody's beating up on my bud.

Rocky is that you? I've got more reasons than one to think it is and if so we both know why you've a problem with Roy. Amazing how quiet this account has been for so long and suddenly it pops up from the dead to smack at RC. Classic anonymous smear at a person fighting hard to stop poker cheats.

This is old news from an incident in 2001, reported in 2002 practically the dawn of Internet poker when everybody including Roy was figuring out the right way to do things. Roy was a pioneer establishing standards, methodologies and principles to protect players on the Internet. Everybody who plays in an honest Internet game owes Roy Cooke for all the money they haven't been cheated out of!

All that crap’s been asked and answered long ago.

It's also essentially inaccurate, though it has a tiny bit of truth which is what makes for the best slanders. But RC hates it when I get into wars with people about him on the net so I won't go there. Also, old friend, you know and I know that RC doesn't need inappropriate edges to take the money at the table -- including from you which is of course part of the problem.

Here's the reality: Nobody has done more for integrity in poker, on and off the web than Roy. Nobody knows more about integrity issues confronting poker than Roy. Nobody more credible has spoken out for players’ interests on integrity and related issues more often (or more recently) than Roy.

Have to ask myself how you profit from trying to sandbag RC's efforts to make things cleaner across the industry. Wait, no I don't -- we both know the answer.

I've always liked you, bud. You're charming, friendly and funny, and in many (though sadly not all) ways a good guy. You and Jeannie share something important, and you’ve always been a good man to me about that. But you need to stop whipping this dead horse and get on with things already.

Thanks again for the great story about Hourly Rate in the Mirage game a few weeks ago. As we discussed it's worth using and we will. It makes the point beautifully.

If this ain't Rocky -- I really think it is -- oops, sorry bout that. Really. But I’ve gotten this old just saying what I think – not anonymously I might add, like some cowards we know – and I ain’t likely to change anytime soon.

Whoever this hmmmm person may be is an essentially anonymous jerk who has revitalized a long dead account name to take shots at Roy with long dead and mostly discredited and discounted stories in an effort to make Roy less credible in his battle to help shape the industry.

I think that as Roy continues to press for the poker industry to put up the money to keep the game clean in all regards, he will be subject to many more such attacks. Believe them if you wish, though that will likely make you among either the gullible or the criminal. I'd suggest rather that you take them for exactly what they're worth - nothing.

Not that I’d say what I think or anything.

John Bond
Aka The Loose Cannon
Aka Roy’s Rottweiler (Heel, Boy, Heel!) (That’s sort of an inside joke, but truer and funnier than ya know.)
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