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Old 10-14-2005, 11:55 AM
PTjvs PTjvs is offline
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Default Dentist: trip report

Background: I have NEVER had any serious dental problems in my life. No cavities, despite drinking Pepsi like water, and I'm not a big time flosser. However, my teeth arent perfectly straight (I have a small gap between the front 2), and one of wisdowm teeth came in at a ridiculous angle 6 years ago or so, but it has never created any problems.

So, I head out from work early to get to a 4:30 denistal appointment, checkup & cleaning. 20 minute wait, and the dental assistant (or whatever they call them) does the cleaning, then it's time for the big boy dentist to take a look. He has 3 concerns, and seems pretty adamant about getting things done.

1) Wisdom teeth removal.

These came in SIX years ago. Yes, the one is impacted, but it has never created a problem, and every dentists I've sen since then was commented on it, but hasn't seem voerly concerned. Do I HAVE to have this removed? Monetarily, I'm not too concerned, but it seems like it'd hurt like hell.

2) Apparently I grind my teeth, although I've never noticed myself doing it. Possible that I do this at night, but my wife has never noticed either. Dentist suggested that I get a nightguard fitted, which is apparently like a mouthpiece you sleep in. Sounds like suck & costs $350.

3) I have a small flap that connects from my upper lip junst under my nose to my gums. I think he capped it a Pharyngeal Flap, but I could definately be wrong as what I'm finding on google doesn't seem to match what I have. He suggested that I have this removed. Seriously, I thought EVERYONE HAD ONE OF THESE?!?!? I had NO idea that not everyone had one, I have one so I just ASSUMED everyone did. wtf?

4) Braces. My parents didn't love me enough to get these, should I get them now at age 28? I have some dental insurance, but I'm sure this would still cost me some serious $$$. I know this is a useless question without pics, so I'll post one later tonight when I get home from work.

What's my move?

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