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Old 12-03-2005, 02:32 PM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: 200/400 bellagio vs v good player

keep posting these 2/4 hands.

im putting myself in her shoes and thinking what id need to have to a) raise the turn, b) call your 3 bet, c) 4bet the turn, d) call the river after the 3bet.

i think preflop is a side note in this hand although it plays into the above requirements. 3betting here isn't bad and needs to be done occasionally. personally id be more likely to call a bit more often than is probably optimal as is my style in the bb OOP. your play here is fine.

first question: did you plan on bet/3betting after she raised the flop (and the turn comes favorable)? (did you have a read on her?)

if so, what did you put her on at that point b/c i think there's a decent chance you're beat right now if this hand got to the river. the only hands that match my questions above about continuing past the turn 3 bet are those hands that contain a pair+flush draw, flush draw, overpair+flush draw, very aggressively played AA/KK no spade, a made flush, or an outlandish bluff. this last part is important to consider b/c when good players who haven't gotten HU before but know each other knows each other, there could be a propensity for attempt to outplay/overplay certain holdings as the player thinks that the other player will give more respect and recognizing times to win pots like this at these limits is a huge coup. still, id say its a fairly large unlikelihood at the point she raises the turn.

what i think is great about the turn 3 bet is that she now has to call all pair + spade hands but is not happy about it. the problem is if the hand continues the hands you beat are ones that are drawing to Qs/Js and have the jack or the As and has the 8. i dont think she has TT here ever really.

if i played this hand id probably call the turn and call a non spade river and bet a spade river.

which brings us to the river which, if it got there, is im sure interesting after the turn 3bet. if she calls the turn 3bet and it blanks off i think you need to bet. but if you get called, damn, its close to being a check on the river. the reasont eh 3bet on the turn is good is the same reason why a check on the river is good: she has to call the 3 bet w/ spades on the turn but now can't call the river.

anyways, im sorry i can't give a more clear cut response.

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