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Old 12-23-2005, 11:29 PM
Sam T. Sam T. is offline
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Location: St Louis, MO
Posts: 160
Default Re: Splitting the MTT Forum

I have a couple of concerns over a split, several of which have come up in other posts.

First (and I could be wrong on this), I'm not convinced that you can tie buy-in to complexity of the post. What happens when Exit runs into an interesting hand in a $3+R sat or a $10? (I sat next to him in one of these.) Does he post in the low buy-in forum, and if he does will MLG see it? If we make an exception for Exit, why not me or Marwan?

At a certain level I wish there were a way to differentiate basic posts from more complex, but I don't think this will do the trick.

I imagine it's a software issue, but in other fora I have seen features that allow readers to rate posts/threads.