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Old 06-19-2005, 01:23 PM
Triumph36 Triumph36 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 60
Default Re: What methods can we use to gather information from terrorists...

Once you want injustice to be done, or see injustice as an acceptable consequence, you've effectively lost your argument even if you were right. Do you see why 'innocent until proven guilty' is a principle of courts in the United States? Not because it's 'right', but because once you begin thinking that doing injustice (i.e. wrongful imprisonment) is better than not doing justice, you can end up destabilizing your society by angering the families and friends of those done wrong. Do it enough times, and it will require tyranny and fear to keep down the populace.

This is exactly the policy the United States is pursuing in the Middle East. Once you begin imprisoning and torturing the innocent, you cannot let them go back and tell their story. You're saying this is being 'safe'. I think it's a foolish policy promulgated by foolish men who've forgotten important history lesson: people who feel they're going to die or be tortured in a prison will fight as hard as possible even if they know they will end up dead.

Whatever information these people hold cannot be valid now, haven't they been there for almost three years? But they can't be let go.. even if they were innocent when they got there, they won't be when they get out.
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