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Old 02-11-2002, 04:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: electronic currency trading

That might be true Leroy, but it isn't as liquid a market. Further I will tell anyone trying to trade currencies that if you try to purely base it on charts you are running huge risks so if that is your plan have very tight ranges to work with. Currency moves are based on economics, not really trends. Most trends, IMO, are just a reflection of people coming to conclusions that an economist would have come to earlier. My advice is to stick to lesser markets and out of the EUR and JPY and learn those markets cold. You can't trade the VEN Bolivar effectively 24/7, but these are the types of currencies where you can see behind the hype and actually make money out of it.

One last thing. I highly agree with others in that you aren't likely to do very well off-hours. Even though the markets are open all night, the liquidity drops greatly. The 24/7 market is a true statement, but as in everything else, the whole world takes its cues from NY. When the NY and CHI markets are trading, you see at least 70% of the volume running through the system, much of it because that is when the arbitrageurs are making their hay. The first hour Japan is up usually is just trades to even out its market to the US market unless significant news has come up. And in something like currencies, the last thing you want to be doing is playing all your eggs when the market lacks serious liquidity.
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