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Old 03-01-2002, 07:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: vegas in late april?

"I was going to move to the 20 game, with that young guy that plays like poo(how did he have 5 racks in front of him?)"

he's so awful i love it. he was stuck like 3k. i left around midnight and he was still there.

"and the black guy that smells like weed"

he sure does. he actually plays halfway decently sometimes. it's easy to get him to fold things like top pair though.

"and I now know who the infamous Vince Lepore is."

really?? what does he look like? i saw mike sexton there, but didnt recognize anyone else.

"Last thing, is it just me or have you been picking up a lot of pots lately?"

yeah ive been rushing lately. it's so wrong. kinda funny though. we'll see how long it keeps up before im back at the 9-18.

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