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Old 07-13-2005, 03:39 AM
wacki wacki is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Posts: 109
Default Re: Securing payment.

When you say flaky does that mean spacey or shady? Some people are just like that and need a lot of reminding. You could just give her frequent calls and tell her how much of a pain in the butt this situation is. But that could easily become more trouble than it's worth.

You have documentation of this whole deal. You can always remind her of your contract and you have documentation of your contract. Expressed contracts are valid under the court of law. This is a slam dunk at small claims.

Be careful about threatening a lawsuit. You can be pinned for extortion. On a related note, I can get in trouble for giving you legal advice since I'm not a lawyer, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn like 2 years ago.
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