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Old 12-21-2005, 03:20 PM
uw_madtown uw_madtown is offline
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Default Re: jesus, did really make out with her?

Dids and astro, once again owning threads.

I've never, ever done something I regret when ultra-drunk. I've been ultra-drunk my share of times (I go to UW-Madison, so, there that is) and there's almost always some situation that lends itself to doing something I'd regret. Sure, it takes more restraint than normal, but not all that goddamn much.

Not condemning anyone who does something stupid while drunk, do what you want. But using alcohol as an "excuse" is pretty weak.

To the OP: This really depends on a few factors:

- How many people saw you?
- How likely is this office chick to spread this gossip around?
- How forgiving is your girlfriend?
- Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend before? (making out is cheating to me, to others it may not, that's not really worth arguing at the moment)

If it's a one-time incident that you will never repeat again, your girlfriend is unlikely to be forgiving, but she's also unlikely to find out without you telling her, then close any loose ends (talk to office chick to make clear it was a mistake, and that you'd appreciate if she kept her mouth shut) and move on.

If any of those don't apply, confess to your GF and hope for mercy. Unless you're not all that concerned about staying with her in the long run.
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