Thread: Road Courtesy
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Old 07-10-2005, 06:37 PM
gvibes gvibes is offline
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Default Re: Road Courtesy

So I'm driving through the country roads out by Mt. Rainier, WA this morning. The speed limit is ridiculously low and WA cops are pretty Nazi, so I've got my radar detector out. As I approach a bend in the road, my radar detector goes off, so I begin to slow down. Just as I begin to round the corner, a Jeep Grand Cherokee comes the other way and flashes me three times. Sure enough, just around the corner is a cop parked on the side of the road looking for speeders.

Now, I was quite amazed by this actually. You see, I heard one person back when I first got my license tell me that they like to flash people to warn them a cop is coming, and I've done it ever since. But this is the first time anybody's ever done it for me, and of the dozens of times I've brought this up with others, not a single one of them does it either. I wish I could remember who it was that originally told me, but I can't.

This event has done much to boost my hope that there are other observant, considerate drivers out there. (You know, the kind that will notice when a car behind them at a stoplight wants to take a free right but doesn't have room, so they pull forward a few feet to let them by.) Anybody else do this?

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The car in front once flashed their brights after passing a cop. Of course, the flashed car was also a cop, and the guy got pulled over. So, watch out!
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