Thread: sklanksy's iq
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Old 09-08-2005, 03:29 AM
siegfriedandroy siegfriedandroy is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 66
Default sklanksy\'s iq

Actually, this post is not really about sklansky's iq, though id be curious on that as well. Anyway, my poker mentor just made a post in the philosophy section about the probability of succeeding in poker.

Im too lazy to retrieve the exact quote, but something to the effect of this: IF YOU ARE ABOVE 130 IQ (GIFTED RANGE), STUDY 2 + 2, DO EVERYTHING RIGHT, READ HIS BOOKS, ETC, THEN YOU HAVE AROUND A 50% CHANCE OF SUCCEEDING IN POKER!! By success i think he said something to the effect of averaging a grand a week.

damn, that is rough. so much for the preface of SSHE, which states 50k a year is now no big deal. well perhaps the statements dont blatantly contradict.

anyway, just found his comments thought provoking. agree? disagree? id make a poll, but again, too dam* lazy.

took an online iq test tonight, but they tried to charge me 10 bucks to get the score. not worth it to me. maybe i can find a practice test at barnes & noble. i think i aced it though! pretty sure einstein couldnt have done any better.

toughest ? out of 38: If you have 3 regular hexagons, you can overlap them to form exactly 10 separate regions? T or F

(and you cannot use pen or paper)
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