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Old 12-27-2005, 02:29 PM
VeryTnA VeryTnA is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 109
Default Re: Banging Chicks from Real Life

It's a numbers game.
Step One.
Say one word to a (acceptable looking) woman. Hello. Do not say anything else!

If you get a smile and warm hello back you are 75% of the way to a magic carpet ride.

Step Two.
Start a conversation about a local topic of interest. Concert coming up, new bar opening, etc. etc. You know simple small talk.

Step Three.
If she is still smiling and friendly ask her out for drinks. After that let the booze do its thing. You are 90% of the way to a magic carpet ride. You must make the last 10% on you own. No one can help you unless you have a three way going.

Three ways are for advanced players. Do not attempt unless you have great experience or lots and lots of booze has been consumed.

If she is NOT smiling and friendly move on to the next (acceptable looking) woman. Start over with step one. Repeat step as necessary until you reach your goal.

This process will get easier the more you practice. One woman saying No does not mean a No from all women. Any woman that says No is usually just a bitch anyway (or has a boyfriend that will kick your ass) and you are better off without her. Move on until you find a woman that is not a bitch. "Acceptable looking" can vary greatly depending on your level of desperation.

One word of caution. If you find a woman that is not a bitch today, does not mean that she won't be a bitch tomorrow. It that case go back to Step One.
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