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Old 12-13-2005, 01:05 AM
RJT RJT is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 111
Default Re: For (kind-of) Atheists

Do you find a problem with the fact that one stick equals one stick no matter which mathematical model you adhere to? Yet one god equals different gods depending on which religious religious belief is employed?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, so then one would proceed to investigate the “mathematics” of the religions in question. This happens all the time in science when different new theories emerge, no? We don’t stop and say there are opposing views so therefore science must be bogus. We study the new concept until we learn which is the correct theory.

All I am saying is that we cannot deduce anything simply given the assumption that Religion was invented. That thinking stops short. Follow up questions such as these are certainly valid and can lead to different conclusion/opinions. But, to those who stop at “Religion was invented” are being intellectually dishonest.*

*My first ever “intellectually dishonest” post. Do I get some type of a symbol in my profile now? I’ve held out longer than some. (Probably I am merely no longer master of my domain. Such finality. I am feeling a bit depressed at the thought.)
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