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Old 10-28-2005, 04:05 PM
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Default Recommendation

Congratulations on taking the hardest step, looking for motivation. I was in shape at your age, 5'10" 170 w/ a decent build. I slowly ballooned up to 240. My wake up came with a physical at age 36 and my cholesteral was 225. My dating life dried up also. I went on a regimen and ultimately made it down to 178 pounds and 8% bodyfat, 32 waist, and was dating stunning girls.

I followed the book Body for Life. I've read many books on the subject and there is no better in my opinion. It is not a diet book, but a lifestyle book. Diets fail, but if you change your way of life, that does not fail. I lost my weight over time, it took 3 years in total. Today, 4 years later, I'm 185 maybe 12% bodyfat.

I don't care about your money, but if you need motivation I'm there for you. Good luck.
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