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Old 10-15-2005, 04:05 PM
kurosh kurosh is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 341
Default I got screwed... help

There is a long story behind this, but I don't want to get into it right now. In short, I was kicked out and I needed 50 hours of community service to get back into the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I was doing the hours at a local breadline in Springfield, IL, but I got very screwed on Friday. I had about 25 hours done. All I did was ask the supervisor if it's possible to have someone work my hours for me if I pay them, and she terminated me. She said she would have to send a report to the school with my hours and the reason why. I never told her who to send it to and I might not have even told her the school. Even if she does know the school, it's huge and I'm hoping it'll get lost. There's no way they will see that favorably, so those 25 hours are just going to have to be lost. My deadline is Monday, Oct 24th. I need 50 hours of community service by then. I've tried calling various community service places around town, but none can give me enough hours. I called a couple people I know who run businesses too, but that doesn't count for community service, I think.

Someone, help?

I don't know. Maybe one of you help with a charity foundation somewhere nearby and I can say I volunteered there?
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