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Old 09-14-2005, 02:48 PM
etgryphon etgryphon is offline
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Default Re: NO gun confiscation

Now, we will get into the definition of "well-regulated". Does it mean "restricted" or does it mean "well-trained"?

The meat of the amendment is in the "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

Two things need to be address:
(1) Does the object in question qualify in the category of "arms".
(2) Does a law or action on the part of the government or by another citizen "infringe" on the individuals ability to keep or bear this as now defined "arms".

If you look, Miller v. US puts forth the reasoning or test to prove the definition of (1) above is by finding the presence of the said object in question in the arsenal of the Military.

This would include automatic weapons, semi-automatic weapons, and the like...

It is pretty much settled law but no one wants to enforce it .

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