Thread: Overzelous?
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Old 12-30-2005, 05:03 AM
StellarWind StellarWind is offline
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Default Re: Overzelous?

Wow, you invested 5 BB in this hand, never had a draw better than a gutshot, and folded a pair of aces for one bet on the river.

So much money, so little accomplished.

Reasonable plan #1: Say "I trust you" and fold to the flop checkraise. He could have 65 of course but that's life.

Reasonable plan #2: Call the checkraise. Say "cool, more outs" and call the turn. Say "awesome, an ace" and call the river.

I'm sure our animated Villain would adopt one of those plans in your place.

Calling the turn is cheap and provides value for money:

1. Four gutshot outs.

2. Six more outs to a hand that will often win.

3. A chance that he will misguess with a semibluff hand and miss the river bet.

Investing 1-2 more bets may allow you to fold a small pair but:

1. How likely is he to have that hand relative to the money you are investing?

2. You already have ten outs versus most of those hands.

3. He may not fold a small board pair because he doesn't believe you or because he wants to try the combo shot of drawing to a 5-outer and hoping you will check the river with a big ace. The pot odds are clearly there if his kicker is clean.
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