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Old 11-18-2005, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Rummy 500 skills

"Bury a Gem"
Your first discard should be the MOST COORDINATED card in your hand. If your original hand is Ax,js,ts,tx,tx,9s,2x, your first discard should be Ts. You know there is no way they can use the Ts and picking up the pile on your 3rd or 4th turn will put you in command. It doesnt always have to be usable yet. This would still be the right discard if you only had 2 tens and didnt have the 9s. Your drawing to the pile!

Your strategfy should be to get control of the game so that your opponent cant go out. Do this by hoding key cards to block them and not playing anythings unless you have to because u picked up cards from the discard pile or they are going to go out soon. You should be picking up the pile every 2-3 turns. Each time you should "bury a gem" so you can pick the pile up again in a few turns.

Always memorize what they pick up fromt he pile. If they dont discard it, thats info abotu what else they have. Don't let them go out, and keep "burying gems" so the pile (and their hand) will stay small.

When I play, I usually go through the entire deck. I am a monster and will make you sick to watch. I'm the regional champ. The only one who can beat me is my old room mate.
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