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Old 12-13-2005, 11:32 AM
KenProspero KenProspero is offline
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Default Re: A Refutation of Determinism

I believe a number of religions take he 'determinist' view, though rather than relying on physics (heaven forbid) they assume that anything that happens is the 'will of G-d'.

However, even in societies which have adopted such religions as the 'state religion' or which are effective theocracies, governed by such religions, those who transgress aren't off the hook because their actions were 'the will of G-d.'

I guess it comes down to this -- whether free will is real or an illusion, every society treats it as free will. To follow through on another poster in this thread. If I sock a dealer at a casino, it may well be the inevitable workings of the laws of physics. However, those same laws of physics inevitably result in a$$ will getting thrown out of the Casino, and most likely getting it thrown into jail.
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