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Old 12-30-2005, 03:44 AM
4thstreetpete 4thstreetpete is offline
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Default Re: Year-end look back on poker and life - extremely long. Make popcorn.

Teddy I've been following your blog for a while now and enjoyed it immensely partly because I feel we do have a similar outlook in life. I especially loved your reasoning when you first decided to quit law school to play poker. Most thought it was a terrible idea (including myself somewhat) but you articulated your reasons quite clearly and convincingly.

I think the internet has caused many players to burn out a lot faster than they should be. The amount of hands you can get in online nowadays is quite astonishing. Thankfully I haven't burned out yet and poker has definately given me a lot to think about during the last two years. My outlook has been quite different.

I agree with what ray bob has to say. I'm not sure how many crap jobs you've worked for 4o-60 hours a week. I've had a boatload of them. From working as an office drone, business admin to IT tech support, ect..ect..

The key is to find hapiness in your life, whatever that may be. For me, it's definately not to be an office drone for 40+ hrs a week and I would've quit my current job regardless of poker or not. I'll probably be doing more investing and hopefully one day run a successful business where I could be my own boss. Time is the biggest asset we have and we should live to the fullest doing what you want to do.
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