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Old 12-28-2005, 03:24 AM
Mr_J Mr_J is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 639
Default Re: Sets vs. Continuous

Why I play in sets.

1. I like the break.
2. Easy to keep track of where you are.
3. Ability to spread sets throughout the day/
4. Much more efficient in shorter sessions.
5. Allows better focus of later game.
6. ROI suffers less.
7. I enjoy sets much more (or is it I hate continuous?).

Most of these are just personal preference, but 4 and 6 affect most people. Unless you are putting in decent hours, playing continuously is very inefficient. If you are only playing a few hours a day, you won't play any more than if you just play in sets. Most people will suffer a little loss in ROI playing continuously. Part of it may be having to play many games all at different stages, but most of it will be that you have to concerntrate on more games.

My 10tabling stats average 12.25 sngs an hour, and an average of 6.5 tables running. Someone playing continuously in short/medium sessions won't average much more than that, but will average playing more tables at a time. The only way your roi won't be affected is if you are purely robotic.

I just find it much easier to put in a few sets a day before & after lunch, than sit down and play 3-4hrs straight. I like to split up my play, which is really bad if you play continuously.

Most guys who play continuously aren't really making much more (if at all). The guys who will benefit it will be those who play longer hours.
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