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Old 12-14-2005, 02:51 AM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default Re: How are you going to deal with tougher games in the future?

Be patient and only sit in games that are better than average?

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The average game will still be easily beatable at most limits.

Limit the amount of poker you play?

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The poker boom is slowing, the number of new players and gambling types is now dwarfed by the number of players who are trying to play well.

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I doubt this. Most don't even know what playing well is if it were right in front of them. It's a step above a pit game to most of them. Personally, I'm not sure it's even peaked yet. Definitely not on the live scene. I think the tide will start turning a bit when the n/l games start going away. Just like they did before.

You're giving way too much credit that people are actually really working on their games, much less that they'll retain or or keep applying what they learn after their first real bad streak. Nothing stopped the average mope from learning it before. It takes alot of work to develop and practice the unnatural ability of playing winning poker. Schoonmaker goes into this a bit in his book.

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