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Old 12-27-2005, 06:35 PM
JustPlayingSmart JustPlayingSmart is offline
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Default Re: 2/5 Live NL I love playing big pots with 1 pair

Obviously, a lot depends on my read. I didn't really have much of one other than that I have played against this kind of guy before, and they love to call raises against the weak-tight players and blow them off of their hands later.

From his doesn't look like you have much. He made a probe type bet, and then you raised...followed by a check behind on the turn. After the check behind, he probably doesn't put you on an overpair anymore.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm checking behind with an overpair on a T976 board most of the time I think. I don't really think I have a lot of options left with 350 in my stack and 260 in the pot. Are you betting an overpair on the turn here? I don't see a lot of value there, because I think he made 2 pair or a straight a lot of times with this turn card, and there's not much chance I have more than 1 pair.

I thought about betting the turn, but since I think most weak-tight guys would check behind with an overpair in this spot, any bet would look like a bluff, and he may make a call with 1 pair if that's what he had.

His bet was pretty much immediate when the river card came. I thought so long because I was worried about 2 pair. If he had a pair + gutshot on the flop, then that turn card beats me. But I finally decided that he would try to play 2 pair like a straight, since my hand is so "defined" in his eyes.

I knew if I made this call, I couldn't do it again, but at that table, he was the only player who would even make such a bet. The other players were betting 1/4 to 1/3 of the pot most of the time.

He ended up showing K9o and I won the pot. In the end, I decided this guy wasn't pulling some Mahatma overbet with a very good but non-nut hand (in this case, 2 pair), but it was either the nuts or a bluff. I guess the good thing was that no one made any moves against me after that.
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