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Old 10-20-2005, 07:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Omaha/8 Drawdown

Thanks for the replies. I guess I can be a little more specific. I play only quality hands but I don't think I'm too tight. My V$IP on pokertracker is about 25% and my W$SD is about 66%. I only try to play at tables that have 50+% seeing the flop so that there is some profit in split pots. I always look for hands that are coordinated. I fall in love with aces. I play low only draws meekly unless I have protection until the turn and bet nut high hands hard. I slow down when I have only a low and the hand gets 3 way or heads up to avoid wasting money on a quartering. I will only call off non nut hands when I'm 2-way or last to act in big pot. As far as the stakes I only play at levels where I have 300x-500x the big blind in a bankroll and it's not scared money either.

Basically I'm on a run right now where I'm winning about 5 hands an hour and some with no profit. It seems that I'm on my way to losing my whole 500x bankroll because my straights keeping running up against suited boards or suited up against paired boards or high only up against low etc. forcing me to fold as all Omaha instruction tells you too. Every time I've tried to play loose and hope they don't have the nuts they do. SO I go back to playing nuts only and the wins never come. I'm really beginning to think it's the tables. I've done very well at all sites except this latest one. Perhaps they are not loose passive enough.

As a stat geek I'm always after good rules of thumb about variance. I still believe it's possible to quantify it to so degree if enough Omaha vets discuss their longest losing drawdown before reaching a new high. Is it somewhere around 100x, 500x, 1000x the blind? If you are familiar with statistics then I mean this within a certain level of confidence because I know that theoretically the loss could be unlimited.
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